Our Goals

Wow!  I can’t believe we have made it through two weeks of school already.  Time sure flies when you are having fun!  Now that we have settled in, it’s time to get serious about what we want to accomplish this year.  I would like to hear what your goals are for your 6th grade year.  What things would you like to improve on?  Are there any areas you would like to really shine?  Please respond only on this topic.  Queen Fen Fen asked me to remind you to use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.  🙂

35 thoughts on “Our Goals

  1. Dear Ms.Fennell,
    My goals are to get better at science and social studies. I would also like to get straight A’s and to get principal’s list.


  2. Dear Ms. Fennell,
    I have another goal and that is to get on the Principal’s List at least once this year.

  3. Dear Ms. Fennell,
    I plan to be better at reading because that is a subject I am slightly bad at. I also want to get District Honor Roll.
    Adios, y hasta mañana!

  4. Dear Ms. Fennell ,

    My goals for this school year is to do better at reading because I read very slow out loud 🙁 I also would love to work on my spelling so I dont have to alway ask people how to spell something because to me it is kinda embarrassing 🙁 but I think if I put my mind to it I think I can do anything . 😀


    Christine Jennifer Andrews

  5. Dear Ms. Fennell,
    My goals this year is to be better at science because I think the subject is interesting but I am just not good at it 🙁 . Also, I want to be better at grammar.

    Katie Nguyen(:

  6. Dear Ms. Fennell,

    I hope to improve on my science skills, I find the information very hard to remember sometimes. One of my other goals is to get straight A’s. Also I’d like to get 1,000 points in AR. Speaking of which, when will we be able to take AR tests again? Please reply to my question. Thanks!

  7. Dear Ms.Fennell,

    My goals are to get good grades in school and be better at writing, science, and social studies. I know 6th grade won’t be easy but I am determine to try my best! 🙂

  8. My goals are to improve some social studies and science but I really like math. Also, I might need to work a little more on verbs though too. 🙂

  9. Ms. Fennell,

    My goal is to get good grades in school. My sister has told me that 6th grade is really hard…so I do not think that is going to be an easy thing to do. I will try my best to achieve that goal. 😀 🙂

    Valerie Dara Mountry

    • Hi Valerie! You work very hard in school. I have no doubt that you will be able to accomplish your goal. Go Valerie!

  10. Dear Ms. Fennell,

    I had a little trouble finding out a goal but I finally have it. My goal is to improve on math & social studies I am not offen that good on math or social studies but I might be by the end of the school year.

    • Hi Mariah,
      Please don’t put your last name on the blog. Also, make sure you answer the questions. I’m so glad you are in our class! 🙂

  11. Dear Ms. Fennell,

    I need help with math because I wasn’t good in 5th but I’am in 6th right now but I kind of need help

  12. Dear Ms. Fennell,

    Thank you for your post saying that I will be able to knock Queen Fen Fen’s Tiara off some day. I really appreciate that comment. I will try my hardest till I accomplish that goal and I won’t ever give up my writing skills. 🙂

  13. Dear Ms. Fennell,

    My few goals for my last year of elementary are to get all 3 principal’s honor roll, get all A+ or A-, Improve on Science & Social Studies. I am quiet good at math and reading, but I’m a writing freak. I love to write as you should know by now. I would like to work on subtracting decimals too, so will you please give me a few problems to practice on my whiteboard on Monday. I really want to get my study straight on A+ so as a teacher will you please grab me at times for Social Studies and Science practice, like questions that I can answer on the whiteboard. Will Queen Fen Fen come back on Monday and do more writing with us because I would like to get the details and explanation/body part done really quick, so I can learn all about the conclusion so I can get a bright, knock Queen Fen Fen’s tiara off conclusion sentence. Oh, she will be just so happy, well I hope!!! 🙂

    • Dear Krystal,

      Thank you for your wonderful post. You are a great writer and it’s great that you love it so much. Your goals are wonderful. It is great to set high expectations for yourself. I know you will achieve them, and I bet you’ll even knock Queen Fen Fen’s tiara off one day!

  14. Dear Ms. Fennell,
    Me too, but I like math more than any other subjects. But vincent is really awesome at social studies.

    • Hi Kyle,
      Thanks for being the first to reply to this post. Please tell me a little bit more about the specific goals you have for this year.

  15. I have many goals for this year. First, I would like to learn all I can about my new school. There are many teachers I haven’t met yet. It will be difficult to learn all of their names! I would also like to learn what makes each one of you tick. I want to get to know all of you really well so that I can help you learn, grow, and become the best you can be. My third goal would be to learn as much about Ancient Civilizations as I can. I think it is a really interesting subject, but social studies has never been my strength. I’m more of a science girl. This year I hope to become a better social studies student and teacher.

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